Sunday, August 24, 2008

Desktops - Turco and Henrik resized

Hey everyone! Here's a re-post of the Henrik desktop that someone requested be re-sized, and a brand new desktop of my favourite goalie, Marty Turco. If anyone needs a desktop re-sized for their resolution, I'll do my best to accommodate, just make the request in the comments. Enjoy!


freez said...

thnks so much for th at richard ;)

freez said...

oh and by the my new computer screen is 1280x1024 that was this old other thing lol. u dont have tio resise that again because i still hav that fir now and thnks agaion:) im just saying im using that resoulution now so u just know lol :)

Richard said...

no problem man, spread the word!

The Kyle said...

Love that Marty Turco wallpaper. It was time for Louie's reign to end. Haven't been around for a while but it seems like this website has a grand total of 2 regular visitors now! How goes it freez?

The Kyle said...

Oh and can I get the Turco in 1280x1024?

freez said...

hey th kyle i am always on here as well lol but no updates :'( lately at least anyways i still luv the louie one